Powered Drive Wheel System (Wheelset)

Cornerstone of the moving assembly line, provides mobility to traditional fixed workstands and precise positioning of large parts

General Specifications

Control Technology has supported implementations of moving assembly lines since its inception, having designed and built wheelsets with active suspension to facilitate driving on uneven surfaces and a custom controls system that can integrate workstand functionality with the drive wheel controls. Typical applications utilize 2 to 4 drive wheels depending on size, with a 50,000 lbs payload capacity across a pair of drive wheels.

The wheelsets are customizable and can be used in a variety of industries for precise control and positioning of large parts or workstands.

  • Powered drive unit capable of generating 1,000 lbs. of thrust at 20"/sec.
  • ~15,000 lbs. normal load
  • Motions include: extend, retract, forward, reverse, crab, and pivot
  • Active suspension facilitates driving on uneven surfaces with 3" of travel
  • Encoder allows 360° continuous rotation and wheel orientation feedback
  • 48VDC battery powered charges from 480V facility power
  • Control system can support 2 to 4 drive wheels depending on the load and application
  • Custom solutions available to integrate with workstand functionality
powered drive wheel system side view